Digital Weight Management Service

Elsdale have signed up to be early adopters of the new NHS digital weight management service.

What is it?

The programme offers free, remote access to weight management services for those who have:

  • A BMI greater than 30 (adjusted for ethnicity),
  • and who also have either diabetes or high blood pressure, or both.

It is intended to offer you a personalised programme to help support a healthy lifestyle. As a digital programme, it is designed to be accessible and easy to use, allowing you to complete the programme in your own time, at a pace that works for you.


Who is eligible and how to take part?

The programme is for patients who have a BMI>30 AND have either diabetes or high blood pressure (hypertension).


The programme will only be accessible to those who have a smartphone or computer with internet access. You will need to have an e-mail account to access the programme and get the full benefits. This programme is delivered exclusively digitally.

If you know you are eligible please complete an Accurx informing us a recent height, weight and BMI and explaining that you would like to be referred for this weight management service. We will let you know by text or email that we have referred you. After that you will be contacted via text message within 2 working days with a link through to a website from which you can access the list of available programmes.


Why should you take part?

Obesity is a serious health concern that increases the risks of many other health conditions, including Type 2 Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, joint problems, mental health problems, and some cancers. There is also evidence to suggest that people living with obesity are at higher risk of the more severe outcomes associated with COVID-19.


If you are not eligible but want support losing weight you can access the free NHS 12-week weight loss plan on the Better Health Weight loss app.