Tests and Results

Test Results

Please complete an Accurx to request your test results. Please leave 10 days for the results to come back and be processed.

Complete the Accurx on the same day the GP you consulted with is working. See here for our GPs schedule.

If a result is abnormal and needs urgent attention we will contact you straight away.

If your test results are normal our reception team will be able to inform you. You will be requested to complete an Accurx, detailing your current symptoms, if you need to further consult with the GP. 

If the results need further discussion our reception team will pass your request onto the GP.

For reasons of patient confidentiality, test results are given on request only to the person to whom they relate, or the parent/guardian of a child.

Annual Review Blood tests

If you had a blood test as part of your annual review for a long term health condition, we will contact you to discuss the results. As the GP reviews the results, your medical history and plans your care please allow a few weeks for us to contact you.

See here for more information on management of long term conditions.

Sample collection

Our courier service collects samples twice a day between 10 and 11am and 3.30 and 4.30pm.