Post-covid Support and Management

Illness can take its toll on the body and mind, and recovery can take time. Coronavirus is no exception and as we learn more about it we are better able to support patients in their recovery. On this page we have collated some resources to support you in your recovery.

We encourage you to take the time to read through the resources relevant to you which include lots of practical tips. 

If you feel you need to speak to a doctor please get in contact.


Definitions (1)

  • Acute covid-19 infection - Signs and symptoms of covid-19 for up to four weeks.
  • Ongoing symptomatic covid-19 - Signs and symptoms of covid-19 present from four weeks and up to twelve weeks.
  • Post-covid-19 syndrome (A.K.A. Long Covid) - Signs and symptoms that develop during or after an infection consistent with covid-19, present for more than twelve weeks and are not attributable to alternative diagnoses

Reference (1): Managing the long term effects of covid-19: summary of NICE, SIGN, and RCGP rapid guideline, BMJ (2021)


Your Covid Recovery. 

Your COVID Recovery helps you understand what has happened and what you might expect as part of your recovery.


Talk Changes. 

If you're feeling stressed, down, or struggling to cope- whether it is to do with coronavirus or not- we're still here for you. Talk Changes can help you find ways to manage your mind and make changes, putting you back in control.


Post-viral fatigue and conserving energy. 

Rehabilitation is crucial for people recovering from COVID-19 infection. The Royal of Occupation Therapists have published three guides to support people to manage post-viral fatigue and conserve their energy as they recover. They are filled with practical advice to support people to gradually and safely resume their activities of daily living.


Fifth Sense- Smell. Taste. Life. 

Fifth sense has advice on how to recover your sense of smell.


ACERS support pack. 

The adult cardiorespiratory team, ACERS, at the Homerton Hospital have produced a post-covid information pack. It includes exercises and advice on breathlessness, persistent phlegm, fatigue, diet and exercise.